Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust
(not all their links work, they are under construction)
Celtic Heart
The Celts
Early British Kingdoms Web Site
Scottish Culture FAQ
Gaelic is a difficult language to learn and pronounce. In order to truly enjoy most Celtic folklore & myths, a working knowledge of Gaelic is required. Here are a few links on pronunciation: Beginner's Guide to Irish Gaelic Pronunciation
Gaelic and Gaelic Culture*****
Gaelic, The Language of the Scottish Heart: By Ruairidh Mor***
King Arthur:
The legend of Arthur is one of the most known and beloved of all literature. Over time, the legend has grown and changed to fit different authors' interpretations and ideas. Here I offer differnt links to sites on all aspects of the Arthurian legends: Tintagel, North Cornwall: The birthplace of Arthur
King Arthur and the Early British Kingdoms: History and Legend
Mystical World Wide Web
Historical King Arthur Web Site
The Quest: An Arthurian Resource
The Saxon Shore
DISCLAIMER TO OFFENSE: I have not thoroughly explored any of these sites yet. Listing these sites does not mean I agree with them or have complete knowledge of their contents. If there is anything inappropriate or any major complaints, please contact me at kmbate@email.com
Last updated June 29, 2000.
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Na toir breith air réir coltais faodaidh cridh beartach a bhi fo chòta bochd
Do not judge by appearances, a rich heart may be under a poor coat